Archive for the ‘Tim Pawlenty’ Tag

who will be the GOP nominee in 2012?

I’m very anxious to see what happens this November in the mid-term elections, but I’m already anxious for the 2012 elections especially the presidential election.  Less than 2 years into Obama’s presidency I already feel optimistic that Republicans will take back the White House. The GOP will have to put out a great candidate because no matter how bad an incumbent is they are always hard to get out of office.

Charles Krauthammer wrote a very insightful article today which acknowledged that a win for Republicans this fall could backfire in 2012. He uses the example of Bill Clinton gaining re-election in 1996 after Republicans took control of Congress in 1994.

Politico also has an article today about which early GOP candidates are gaining momentum.

I have not fully decided on what candidate I want to support in 2012 yet, but I will list my top 4 choices in alphabetical order.

  • Mitch Daniels
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Tim Pawlenty

And yes Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney are not in my top 4.